Friday 12 September 2008

Reach for the stars - not the galaxy bars! Not a bad day - beaucoup de exercise! day completed!
As you could tell, it would have been a hard feet to beat yesterdays food intake, short of having a day of fast. Despite not 'beating it' i stayed close to my cal intake and didnt need my emergency cals.

I mean that my day-to-day allowance is 300kcals, but my emergency cal allowance is 500kcals.

So, i didnt manage to go to my aerobics session this morning. This was a bit of a shame because i do enjoy it lots but i slept through it. At 10.30am i was woken again by the postman - my scales had arrived! yay! Last night i had ordered some food scales so that i can weigh my yoghurt and carrotts, etc on them and therefore not have to worry and guess-timate their calories.

I got them out and am chuffed to bits with them! But, lazy lazy me, after i had got them and checked them out. I took my hoodia pill for the morning then went off to bed again! How bad is that! I just find it easier, because when you sleep you dont feel hunger pangs and dont feel the lure of the food and the kitchen.

When i did get up it was 2pm again. I took my other hoodia pill and about half an hour later, went down for some lunch. I decided to try my new alpro yoghurt and made an easy little concoction all of my own. I measured out the 100g of yoghurt (with my new scales! yipee!) and then added 2 tsps of sweetner, then grated a small amount of lemon zest ontop. It tasted ABSOLOUTELY DELICIOUS! It was so sweet and i kept having to remind myself it had only 64kcals in it! I highly recommend you trying it out - it was like pudding!

I then spent an hour on the computer sorting out things. It was around then that i started to get cravings. I denied and denied, then i had to go to the kitchen to get some water. As you can easily imagine, i came back up with a cake bar. I ate it then threw as much of it back up. But even though i was sure i had got virtually all of it out (via consistency - water/cake ratio), i still felt that all the calories and fat was still in there.

I find when im in a post-bad eating mode, the best thing is to do the housework. What could be better - cleaning the house so my mum wouldnt be cross with me, AND burning cals at the same time! It would be killing two birds with one stone! I polished, hoovered, and cleaned floors.

Afterwards i was still feeling like nothing had shifted, so i quickly synced a playlist up on my ipod of upbeat songs and, in the 30 minutes before my family got home, i did an aerobic workout session using the exercises i did in the class. It must have worked because i was majorly hot and sweating afterwards! I could feel it working as well tho which is good!

When my family got home i decided if i left early for boxercise i could get 20 minutes in on the treadmill as well. Unfortunately i was a little delayed in leaving so i only got 10 minutes...on the cross trainer! There was a woman on there who, 2 minutes into my cross training finished - AND SHE WAS ONLY WALKING ON IT! I know it sounds awful - but that peeves me off so bad! Why walk on it?! At least do a VERY fast walk - thats what i used to do, but she was doing it as if going for an afternoon stroll! argh!

Anyways, then i headed up to boxercise. I got a little frustrated at that to begin with because the instructor wasnt authoritive enough so that when it got to 7pm there were a group of people chatting away! We didnt get started until 20 past! What the fuck is the point in that?! I paid for an hour and now i have less time - it meant that my exercise earlier wouldnt count for as much as i hoped it would. We did a good 40-45 minutes in the end and i really wanted to stay the extra 6 minutes just so i could finish off the 2nd lap circuit.

Mum and a family friend were also at the leisure centre in the gym. Mum let me know that the friend would be staying for tea and they were going to have pizza. I said (as calmly as i could cos i really couldnt have handled pizza today..or any!) that the peppers were almost out of date, so would it be ok if i had one of those instead? Yes it was. *phew*

When we got back i had a shower then cooked up my tea of one roasted stuffed pepper and salad. Afterwards the ice creams came out and i was so dying for one. Instead i took myself away from the table told myself strictly that i had already gorged on a cake bar (fat pig!) and would feel awful if i did eat it. I did the washing up for the duration of them eating their puddings to avoid having to look at them.

I've already arranged my exercise plans tomorrow. I'm doing the same routine i did last week - spin class for 45 mins then straight onto a body conditioning class for an hour. I would love to go swimming as well, but we'll see, as i've got loads else on.

Right, lets go straight on to my day in numbers -


(im still going to add the cake bar in because even though i got it out, it doenst feel right not to count it in - i feel like i still need to make up for it)


Nothing 0kcal

100g alpro natural yoghurt 59kcal
2xteaspoon of sweetner 2kcal
sprinkle of lemon zest 1kcal

1/2 roasted stuffed pepper 132kcal
salad 10kcal

galaxy cake bar *cringe* 163kcal
2xpiece of gum 10kcal


(minus the cake bar - 216KCAL)



30 minutes aerobic workout at home 250kcal

2 x 10 minute cycles to town 100kcal

10 minutes on stepper in gym 106kcal

40 minutes of boxercise class 400kcal


So, today would have been another perfect day if it wasnt for that cake bar. Hopefully tomorrow will make up for it. I can dream! lol.

Keep at it - that mountain isnt so high!

Poppy @-,-'--

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