I got up at 2pm today! i know,ur all thinking 'geez! thats way late!' but on the plus side it means i missed breakfast and lunch! bonus! That was ok and mum was pushing me to go for some exercise which i had no problem with...until it rained! So i've been inside all day! But i have already planned a bike ride and a visit to the gym tomorrow! yay!
Next, i had no excuses to miss tea today. I tried contacting my friends to go out, but after yesterday i got the only one that may have beem free today pissed off. This was because i missed her phone call and i've been terrible at keepin in contact with anyone recently. This is mostly due to my depression (which has got better recently), and in that phase i sort of closed myself off from people.
Anyways, i just completely diverted off topic! Tea came around, and surprise surprise if it wasnt fattening burgers! yuck! Luckily i had looked up the calorie content as soon as i saw them out on the side defrosting - 270KCAL EACH! *gasp*. So i decided to just have half with no bun, no chips, no cheese and just salad.
Cue mum's suspicion and accusing comments AT THE TABLE! She said 'you be ill if you dont eat anything'. damn i hate weekends! you cant cover up that you havent eaten. Mum asked what i had eaten and everyone knew i had gotten up late today and not eaten - its so stupid. So my plan tomorrow is to leave dirty plates around to make it look as though i've eaten.
So...tea was OK. Now night has come i have sucumbed to an ice cream! NNNNOOOOOOO! I'm glad im controlling my urge to binge tho. It feels good, but the days are dragging so slowly until weighing day! Less than 2 days to go now!
Heres how it went with my calories today:
nothing 0kcal
nothing 0kcal
1/2 a burger 150kcal
salad (no dressing) 20kcal
pepsi max 0kcal
7 pieces of gum 35kcal
nobbly bobbly ice cream 157kcal
Anyways, that pretty much wraps it up for the day! Got the house to myself tomorrow so beware DANGER! must get out tomorrow.
Adios for now...until tomorrow!
Poppy xx
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