Hi guys!
Time to check in again! Can't believe i have to work tomorrow - its gonna suck majorly.
I am pleased to inform you that this isnt going to be the depressing blog that i had predicted yesterday. My luck continues for another day!
I have tried to sleep through as much of the day as possible. I woke up at 1pm and then spent time on the computer and reading. I had a few jobs to do so i cycled into town and picked up a few bits. Before i went into town i checked the kitchen only to see 4 kievs defrosting in the kitchen for tea. Kievs are about 360kcal each! i was desperate not to eat it.
When i went into the superarket for things mum wanted me to get i picked up a disgusting looking wrap in reduced so that a) i wasnt tempted to eat it and b) so that mum would think i had eaten.
I also ended up sneaking into the cheap shop - loads of sweets that you dont see elsewhere and for cheap. But dont worry - i didnt eat any! But i'll get onto that later...
I cycled home. I then pulled a bin bag out of the drawer and started arranging the kitchen so it looked as though i'd had lunch. I got the wrap and threw it in the bin bag, putting the wrapper in the actual bin. I did the same with the cake i was supposed to eat and the crisps. Then sprinkled a few food bits over a plate and put the plate by the sink. I disposed of the bag.
Did house work and downloaded ana songs for my ipod. Mum came home at 5.30 and we went to the gym. This is where the interesting part of the blog comes in. It was going really well, although mum had only said 45 mins as she wanted to go do a little food shopping.
I started well on the bike, then i went onto the cross trainer. I have always found it the toughest of the machines and i burn the most calories on it. I began well but soon i found it really hard breathing. Im not joking - i was having real trouble like someone had restricted half my wind pipe. I had to stop after 10 minutes on it.
I then went on the treadmill for 10 minutes. And when i was on there my fingers on both hands went tingly. I carried on and decided when i was on it that i would tell mum i felt sick (therefore allowing me to avoid having a fattening tea). I would have to say that i had eaten lots of chocolate in order to get her to believe me because she is used to all my binging i used to do, so its believable.
I said that i felt sick and she told me id probably exercised too hard. I did my 50 sit ups then waited for her to finish. When we got in the car she asked why i felt sick. i explained that id eaten alot of choc - i said 'you know how i get?'. She replied 'you havent had tea with us for ages'. She basically moaned at me saying that it was a bad habit and i shouldnt be gorging on chocolate cos it puts me off my tea. She really had a good moan. I just felt like saying that i wasnt being piggish - i was eating really well! I just thought, 'suck it in poppy. you have to do this for ana'. So i said nothing...
We went to the supermarket and i picked up soups. Ive been getting way too excited everytime they bring a new one out! NOTE TO SELF: get a life! lol
It was decided that i would then have soup and the others would have their fattening meals. It was only after i had eaten my soup that it sucked because i had to sit through pudding and a cheese board! boo hoo! I just became very animated and kept a smile on my face. I asked about all kinds of random stuff like what cheeses do they like, and saying 'i love stilton'. Which i do, but i wasnt going to say 'i love stilton, but you really think om going to eat it? With all those calories? My hips would look like two peninsulas!'
I came back on here. About an hour ago i reached for a packet of smarties bites i bought today. However i did not binge them like i am sure you suspected i was about to say! I chewed and spat.
For those of you who dont know about the 'chew and spit', it basically works like this: If you are really craving for something and cant say no, buy/find the food, then chew it in your mouth so you can feel the flavour, then before your about to swallow, spit it into a bag, toilet, bin, etc. It sounds really gros, i know, but it is a great tip for anorexics because it means you taste the food but without the guilt of calories.
So i 'chewed and spat' a whole packet of smarties bites...bar one. oops! I do feel i let myself down there cos they are reli high in cals for the size they are. Anyways, then i went to bed, where i am writing to you now.
ONE DAY TO GO, ONE DAY TO GO!!! (i dont know why, in my head, i was singing that to the wedding march! lol) I am going back to Bath on the Wednesday which means i can fast (properly this time!) for 3 days. Not very long, but my family will come down on the 4th day. bummer!
The last hump will just be tomorrow. I am working with my boss again (you know, the one that likes to make comments about what im eating?). So ive devised a plan to walk till im just around the corner, then sit on the wall so she doesnt see me, and read. Or walk into town for exercise. The tea, i can use the excuse that the soup needs finishing up! yaya - all sorted!
Heres my food gobbles for the day:
(that sounds so sweet! lol)
Nothing 0kcal
Nothing 0kcal
1/2 a soup 180kcal
2 x water biscuits 42kcal
1 piece of gum 5kcal
1 smarties bite 122kcal
pepsi max, bottle of water & diet lemonade 0kcal
EXERCISE CALS BURNED (im not counting my biking)
40 minute hard workout in gym 360kcal
So, another blog done. Tommorrow's blog will be my last one again for a few days. Sorry i keep disappearing but after this trip up to Bath i will always have internet and be here.
Notes for xosexygirlxo: I looked on the newly re-vamped blue dragonfly site but they dont do them any more. I have had a look around myself but its been a bit fruitless (he he - fruitless! lol)
I have been forming a plan for a while now to set up my own area where you can buy ana/mia and recovery bracelets. I will post some pictures of the ones i have made on the site over the next few weeks and then you can send me feedback as to whether they are good or not. You can be my chief approver if you like! lol
...god my blogs are getting longer!
1) Last blog for a few days 2) Weigh in day!
love and hugs
x Poppy x
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