Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Shlurp your soup slowly, crumble your cracker cunningly...and stop using alliteration! lol

Hey guys.
Im sorry if i ramble for the next few minutes and beware of typo errors. Reason? - i have just taken some syndol tablets to get me relaxed and off to sleep and they make me really dozzy!

Today has been a good day today. Although my sleep shifts have got to change. Hence the tablets tonight.

I went to bed at 6am! Then i finally woke up at 4pm! Yeah, thats right - almost a whole day in bed! I feel really ashamed. But tomorrow i havent got much choice - i must get up at 8am to get to work so hopefully that will correct my sleep pattern for a bit!

When i got up it was too late to squeeze in two gym shifts as my mum would be home in a few hours. I settled for doing things i knew i had to do while my family were out of the house. I cleansed my room of any sick and/or food, checked this website online a few times and arranged things in the kitchen to make it look like i'd eaten pasta.

Due to the lateness of when i got up, i had managed to avoid eating all day. When my mum got home she drove me to the gym while she went off to a class. I managed to burn off my usual 470kcal and didnt feel the lack of breath so much as i had done previously.

After the workout, we went home and i had half a carton of soup and some water biscuits. I then contemplated how hard its going to be on Wednesday (my stepfathers birthday). People are coming over and we are supposed to be having pork dijon (over 300kcal for 1 serving), a pudding AND cake!! I dont know how im going to avoid it all...

Anyway, i am seriously zoning out here so heres the cal intake for the day:


nothing 0kcal

nothing 0kcal

1/2 a carton of soup 145kcal
3 x water biscuits 63kcal

nothing 0kcal



1hour in the gym, hard workout 470kcal


So, now tomorrow and i must face the dreaded leftovers from the taster weekend and tasters! Hopefully i can restrain myself!

Sorry the blog is so short but i really am about the drop off here.

Note to Vickie: Thanks for your support. Its nice to know that people keep looking out for my blog because it helps me keep on track with my eating and not stray off the path. Its great that tip about the soup, im going near marks in a few days so i'll pick one up and tell you what i think. I love covent garden soups because they are fresh and reasonable in calories. The Potato and Leek one is just under 150kcal! I will see what other good low-cal foods i can pull up over the next few days and let you know.

Keep smiling all, chin up and stick a finger up the the world (Hell! Stick two if your 'ard enough! lol)

Poppy x*x*x

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