This blog is being a right pain, and im loathed to admit that for tonight it had defeated me. That is why i have an old blog picture up and why the writing is not next to the image. Damn Freewebs!
Now, onto today, which has been uneventful im afraid. I got up at the not-so-unreasonable time of 12 midday. I spend most of the afternoon with my sister, messing around. She had had lunch so i didnt have to worry about her bringing it up. We walked into town and i managed to grab some much needed essentials. I picked up a soup for tea, which meant i wouldnt have to panic when it came to eating.
Back home, we spent the rest of the day relaxing, and i spent the time looking up more images to encourage me. Tea was sucessful and i only had my soup.
I told you today was boring! I want to go to sleep soon though because im working tomorrow and its my last day!
Now, i just want to publish a quick note on my WEIGHT. The ticker tape marking my weight (on my profile page) was the lowest point i've gotten so far over these last few months. However, i have not edited it after my recent weight gain. I will not edit it. Instead, i am just going to keep losing the weight (recording it here but not on the tape) until im back where i last laft off. Hopefully it wont take long...
Right here's today -
(bum! they've gotten rid of the tables as well!)
LUNCH nothing
TEA 1/2 soup 167kcal
SNACK nothing
DRINKS can diet coke 1kcal
Night Night for now, and i'll hopefully speak to you tomorrow with a more co-operative blog!
ps. please leave messages, you have no idea how encouraging they are to me!
Poppy X x X x
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