Good evening all!
My first week back is nearly up and i can't wait until Monday morning when i weight myself. I must confess, i have been weighing myself at least once a day, and it is going VERY WELL! Anyways, i'll leave you on that little tenterhook for another day and a half!
My waking hours are getting later and later now. I think today was because my housemates woke me up at 2am and i found it majorly hard to get back to sleep. At least they were having fun! So i got up at about 10am. I knew i had to go into town, and had to get loads of my essay done. But i was really trying to delay my essay so ended up scouring youtube. oops!
Before i knew it, it was midday. So i decided there was no point for breakfast, and marched off into town. I picked up a few things for a care package for my family back home, because they are feeling a bit low at the moment. I had to deal with the smells again and it really wasnt nice. I had the pasty shop waving in my face, and i do miss those cheese pasties, then i passed the fish and chip shop, then i passed a restaurant and i could smell beef burgers coming from the vent. So strong! (Note: although i don't eat meat, doesn't mean my mouth doesn't water at the smell of it, i just wouldn't EAT it). But i knew if i even ate one of those things, it would all be a waste of time and i would hate myself even more.
I had to go to sainsburys to pick up some more flowers for my room and pepsi max (love it love it love it!). I found it surprisingly easy to avoid the bad things, but i imagine had i been standing in front of them it would have been harder. I then walked home with all my bags, for extra exercise and was so hot by the time i got back. This was largely not because im lazy (although i could probably do with ALOT more exercise), but because today has been a tremendously hot day! When i got back, i couldn't resist to try on the dress that i want to wear to the ball in a months time. I was so chuffed to find the zip did all the way up. Now i've just got to lose roughly half a stone and it'll be perfect. Can't wait!
This afternoon has been me pushing on with work. I had to take a break for some sort of food because i couldn't concentrate properly. So, for lunch i had a small salad, and then for tea i had a slim a soup and olives. That slim a soup was heaven - i hardly have any hot food here because i am really petrified of cooking in the kitchen where others can see me. I am convinced people will be thinking 'eugh! she's fat!'.
Altogether, today has been a good day and im going to try to maintain my good progress tomorrow - the last thing i want to do is fall at the last hurdle before the end of the week! I'm a bit worried as well because i'm going up to see a friend tomorrow and she mentioned lunch. Luckily it's at 1pm so i can pretend i've had lunch, but im going to take cake up for them because they've been really good to me. I just hope no one forces cake on me - i'll be really upset.
Right, onto the mathematics of the day - who said maths isn't used anymore in the real world?!
Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: a small salad - 1/3 lettuce, 4 cherry tomatoes, and 10 olives (40kcal)
Tea: 1 sachet of brocolli and cauliflower slim a soup (60kcal), 3 olives (6kcal)
Snack: 1 piece of gum (5kcal)
Drinks: 4 1/2 pepsi max (4.5kcal), 2 glasses of squash (8kcal)
Walking 40 minutes at least (150kcal)
Ok, i've got to wrap up for tonight, and finish my essay. A quick message to Lilly - Thanks for your support - yesterday was so rough. I'm sorry to hear you're ill, but at least it's nothing too serious and, like you said, you're losing a few pounds! I used to wish i'd have a stomach flu - its always different when you get it though! After i finish uni (last date at my current place is 28th june), i have to go back home. I'm really nervous about that because things will start getting difficult again and i'll be so close to my goal by that point. Hopefully i will get through it, like i did the last time i was doing so well - i was at home for all of that. Keep your fingers crossed for me in July!
Night night, speak soon and get well soon Lilly!
xo Poppy ox :)
I just found your blog; you've had an incredible life. I just want to give you a big hug! You went through so much growing up. I see that you haven't posted in a while, I really enjoyed reading your post. I hope that you will continue to blog