Sorry for my long abscence! It's been too long since i was on here. Last time i was here, i was fasting. Now, little did i know that day 3 is considered the hardest for lots of people. Unbeknowest to me, when it came i suffered all thw way until the evening, before i binged. Big time. I purged afterwards. Since then it's been a horrible while of b / p ing.
Wednesday i ordered a family pizza and then purged the entire lot. Although my suggestion, is don't binge / purge on jalepenos! Ouch! It really hurt! I won't be doing that any time soon! (For those who don't know - Jalepenos are hot chillis)
Yesterday i went swimming again for the first time in years! I get so conscious of my body that i hate showing it, but i went and when i was in the pool i was away! Loved it, and i did 76 lengths in an hour! Its still pretty good for me, although i'm still sore now. Hopefully i'll be in pool tomoz.
But i am planning to fast again. I have joined with two other girls and we are going to do a weeks fast soon. Now i know that day 3 is hardest, i will be more aware and prepared. I can't start my fast before Sunday (at least), because my family are coming down on Saturday. We HAVE to go to a restaurant, and i'll HAVE to have something. It sucks.
Yesterday, i didn't eat anything, so that was good. My sleep is all off. I stayed up all night, so Thursday morning i was awake for swimming. Then i fell asleep at midday, now i've been awake since 4am, so im probs gonna dose off about 2-3pm! :o
Today, so far, i've had 3 satsumas and a pot of jelly. Im not counting that as too bad, although it is bizzare eating at times of the day when you don't usually. I probs won't have anything else today, because it's not long until midday. Then from then its easy to blag it.
Here's what ive had today then:
Breakfast: 3 satsumas (90kcal)
Lunch: Nothing
Tea: Nothing
Snack: pot of jelly (9kcal)
Drinks: 1 x squash (4kcal), 4 x diet coke (12kcal)
It seems we've all been busy - so don't worry that you have been away Alissia and Lilly. Thanx for the pats on the back, although i don't think i deserved them. I'll try harder next time, and do a week! I don't know if it was liquids that meant i lost weight slowly, because i was weighing myself in the morning when i was dehyrated. But, i'll pay attention next time and see if a pattern emerges, maybe i was being too hasty! Pounds don't seem to come off quick enough!
Also, thanks for anon, and Jasmine (who commented on the site) for being so amazing and leaving me a note. You don't know how much those little comments brighten my day! I love getting them.
Jasmine, please don't be scared to comment again. I understand what you mean about losing your way - it's happened to me many times! I'm afraid i can offer you no better advise than - dont make any excuses for your behaviour, and just tell yourself to get back on that horse. It's tough to start again, but many of us fall down by lunch then say 'oh well, i'll carry on tomorrow'. That's not the idea. Instead say, every day i give up is another day i stay the way i am. A week makes all the difference to losing weight! I will try to think of more constructive things for you soon, and post them. If you have any other queries, you can always bring them up in mymirrorimage's forum, and i'll answer asap.
Right, thats me signed out for today. I'll be back later probs, so please leave comments.
Poppy XoXOxOX
Hiya. I'm glad your back. I know what yuo are saying about swimming tho. I had to do 176 laps when the UK came 5th in Eurovision. Ouch! Haha. I want in on this fast too! I'm on day 3 and it'd be cool to fast with other people :-D