Sunday, 3 May 2009

Tired, hungry but happy

Yay! The last day in the week and i'm completely knackered. Serious frantic writing of essays mixed with my eating is not good! Never mind, i'll get over it.

I got up at 9am today, despite being really tired, due to late study last night. I went straight away to writing my essay and didn't even think about breakfast. I only had 2 pepsi maxes to keep me awake.

When it got to 12 midday i decided to make my way to go to my friends house. I managed to cut up half an apple and put it in my bag in case i got hungry. The last thing i needed was to cave and give in to the cake on the last day of the week! When i went into the kitchen, one of my friends told me she had bought a cookie for me. I said thank you and, when she was gone, wrapped it in cellophane. I made sure i picked the one that look less appetising and it's now sitting in my drawer. Right now, im in no danger of eating it.

I finally heaved (and they REALLY were heavy) my laptop and bag, stuffed full of books onto my back. It would take me about 40 minutes to get to friends, with part of it being uphill. I reminded myself how much lighter i would be if the bags i were carrying now was my weight and i lost it. I went to sainsburys and avoided any traps. There is strange sense that you actually are treating yourself when you buy chocolate or cake for others. It satisfies some craving in you without you actually consuming anything. I bought the taste the difference thick chocolate fudge cake for them. At least they could enjoy it.

When i finally got to my friends, she commented on how slim i looked. I dont know how mucg of this weeks weight loss shows, but to me i feel no slimmer. I still have a long way to go. Compliments like that fill me with a pride but also with dread. Pride because clearly your work is showing, however i fear that someone will twig if they can spot it already. Anyways, i gave her the cake and told her i didnt want any because i'd eaten lunch a little earlier.

So much of me wanted that cake but i refrained. We studied and talked for hours. She said i could kip at hers if i want to during the summer. This is brilliant because whenever im finding it too hard to hide at home or they wont give me a break, i have somewhere to go. At 7pm i left, and i got home by 7.30.

I put off running for the slim a soup in the kitchen. Finally at 8.30pm i allowed myself to have it. Having that slim-a-soup is like a little bit of warm heaven! Its so delicious! I will definitely have to buy more. Right now, im writing to you before i continue with my essay which i MUST complete today. snooze... I'll be able to get to sleep easy enough tonight!

Ok, lets get straight on to the cals -


Breakfast: Nothing

Lunch: Nothing

Tea: Brocolli and Cauliflower slim-a-soup (60kcal)

Snack: 1/2 apple (36kcal)

Drinks: 3 pepsi max (3kcal), 2 low cal flavoured waters (12kcal)



Walking 50 mins at least (170kcal)


Right, im getting behind with my work, so i'll get back to you tomorrow. Please have you comments at the ready for tomorrow's WEIGH IN! Can't wait!

Poppy xOxXooOx

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