This isn't a blog entry, but i am so angry that i had to write here and explain why.
Earlier yesterday, i was surfing the internet to see any sites or links to my ED site. I do this to see how far it's spread and what is being said on the grapevine, etc. When doing this i came across a blog called 'Teaching High School Psychology', which had a potentially enlightening article on pro ana sites.
However, when i went to read it i realised they had labelled my site and blog as 'ones that promote being thin as a lifestyle'. They call the site 'disturbing' whose 'views are of those who are not pro-recovery'.
I am truly disgusted. Is it me or have they just skim read, not just my blog, but the entire pro ana paraphenalia of sites and blogs?
Pro ana is, and i use a dictionary definition, 'the promotion of anorexia nervosa as a lifestyle choice rather than an eating disorder'. As is plain by my blog, i am acutely aware that i have an eating disorder and that one day i hope i'll be strong enough to give it up. However, i am also relistic and not selfish enough to waste the NHS time by sitting in therapy when i don't believe i want it yet. In both my blog and my site, i repeat many times that eating disorders are not fun fairground rides that you simply jump on, have one go and jump off again. They are serious, deadly and unhappy things to find yourself burdened with. Obviously whoever researched the 'pro ana' on my site conviniently missed out the 'disclaimer' page which goes over all this.
The blog continues by saying the following:
'To me, this quote sums up this site: "I'm now back at univeristy until the end of June. The doctor has pushed me into seeing a CPN again, and so i might have to see one again. I'm not going to stop though - I know as much as it might be better for me, i don't want to recover yet".
That isn't pro ana summed up in a quote - that's an EATING DISORDER full stop. Just because i said that i wasn't ready for recovery, doens't make me automatically 'pro ana', it makes me a confused human with mental health issues. My blogs are an expression of my own feelings and actions as a diagnosed bulimic in today's society. I can understand that it may seem triggering, but i never encourage others to follow my example. It's just that in leiu of a service that allows me to unburden myself without fear of being refered to the doctors (again), i vent my feelings online. This has been received well by many fellow sufferers who have found these blogs to be a comfort, as they can relate to certain fellings and practices, etc. Therefore i will keep it going, not just for myself, but for them as well.
Lastly, many of the people that read these blogs and with whom i email know that i always encourage recovery. I suggest it as an option usually when i first talk to people, and if they consider it or take up recovery later on, i will fully support and encourage them. I think it is a wonderful thing and i have enormous respect for anyone who is even attempting recovery right now. They will be happier and healthier for it. If anyone wants to leave a message below to back me up on this, in case the psychology bloggers read this, please do - it would really help.
So, to whoever wrote that blog, please get your facts straight before you write an article on 'pro ana' again.
That's really frustrating. I think you should write the author of the blog and explain what you've explained here. (If they have some kind of contact option.)
ReplyDeleteI think there are a lot of people who don't realize that there are sites that talk about EDs that aren't actually promoting them. I bet this person doesn't know the difference. If you wrote them to explain it might educate them about it.
yeah - i know. I have posted a message below the article, however i have had no reply as yet. I will keep you guys informed if i hear anything...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that happened! You even have recovery links, & have a lot about recovery on the site, that's really unfair.
ReplyDeleteI think it just shows more ignorance about EDs in the general public. With all the information available out there, they still can't get it right.
Don't let it get you down!
Grr that is really annoying and very ignorant.
ReplyDeleteIt shows people still don't understand EDs. You have tons on of recovery things in links on the site too.
Don't let the great ignorance of people get you down though.