I'm not quite sure how i feel today.
When i was searching for pictures to use on today's blog, i came across the usual worrying array of pictures that diplay what 'eating disorders' are really like. Problem is i feel like this train is going too fast. I can't stop what i'm doing because when i do i'll put on weight and i'm deathly afraid of that happening. I'd love to be able to eat normally and not engage in dangerous behaviours, but it scares me that all the weight might go back on again.
I keep on losing weight because i don't feel thin enough yet, not compared to others around me. Also i want to give myself at least half a stone as a 'safety net'. This means that if i do eat something bad, i still have 7lbs gap before whichever weight i said i would never get to again.
Anyways, just thought i'd air my views. In reply to your response Bonnie, don't worry about feeling like you have nothing to say. I'm even chuffed to see a smiley face in the comments box! Yes, i know that purging this much is a lot, and it had increased over the months again. I continue to reason with myself and my parents that it is less than i have done it in the past (which got to 6 times a day), therefore it is at a satisfactory level for me. I feel it is under control - not too little, but not too much. Obviously, i'm not quite fooled because i know my concept of what is control is probably warped, but i am too chicken to venture out of my ED safe zone yet. I have had no reply from the counsellors at present, but they did say it could take up to a month.
If it's any consalation, physically i'm not in a dreadful state. My teeth may be yellowing, but not too badly, i check my pulse and it is a few beats under regular limits, and i only get acid reflux very occasionally. Currently, i'm actually at a healthy weight for my height (140lbs) and i'm actually at less risk of any heart problems than when i was obese in January. Also, i haven't fainted once as yet....
Does that make it any better? I will see a counsellor though, as long as they don't try to force me to talk to a doctor. Not yet.
Right, onto today. I decided to leave yesterday because it was pretty much the norm - fruit box, 2/3 bag of tortillas, purged, 4 miles run, skipped tea to counterbalance calories. The Tuesday morning i had lost another 2lbs.
Wednesday 16th June
Quick bites:
- Weight lost/gained: lost 1lbs
- Binged/Purged: twice
- Exercise: 3 mile run
Fantastic news! I broke my barrier of lowest weight i have got to and have lost all the weekend weight i wanted to shift. I was so chuffed, however it makes me more nervous to be exactly on a stone, because if you gain you are losing your grip on it. I get itchy to get past that stone into the lower one and make as bigger gap as possible between it and where i am now. So right now i want to move into the 9st region and get as far away from the double digit as possible.
I made up my fruit box and went to work. Time went quickly, and for lunch i sat in the toilets licking my spoon clean of a fat free raspberry yoghurt. Who knew you could love a yoghurt so much?! Onto the rest of the day, and the afternoon slugged by. For lunch i mooched into town and bought some bits...i won't bore you with what you will already expect it to be. You are right - it is the sort of stuff you would expect it to be.
In the last hour at work, i sat in the toilets munching a bag of white chocolate covered fudge and purging it. Fudge ain't fun to b/p on, but then neither is peanut butter and i love it! I wasn't convinced i'd managed to remove it all so planned my run when i got home.
The driving home with my mum was horrible and i felt stressed when at home. I picked at 1 olive, 1 piece of pineapple and a strawberry. When mum went out to her exercise class, i spotted ym chance and idly began munching on the rest of the bag of tortillas. I stopped myself, got changed for a run and ran for 36 minutes.
When i got home, i decided i needed to miss dinner in order to make up for the calories that might have been digested when i b/p ed on the crisps and fudge. I arranged my washing up on the side board and then picked up an ice cream, bread roll and the rest of the crisps and sauntered upstairs. I added to the collection from my own stash, with chocolate macadamia nuts. I b/p ed it all.
Since then, i have been weighing myself regularly, and have remained the same. I am afraid to drink anything in case it messes up tomorrows weigh in, especially when i'm so close to going down a stone. *Cross fingers*
Please feel free to shout out below :)
Poppy xox
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