Thursday, 2 October 2008

Weight Loss is slugging by - but i'm still losing so it's a happy slug!


Yes! This is officially my 100th entry into Poppy's Babble Blog! Unfortunately though, it doesnt seem to be the most eventful day, weight loss and mood i've ever been in to write my blog! You'll just have to stick up with typical half asleep me for today!

As it's my 100th blog, i've decided to break my silence on my weight. Many have been asking me online what my weight is/was and i refused to tell them because i was ashamed and never thought i'd lost enough. I even moved my goal down 20lbs to avoid telling people! Now that im almost halfway, ive got to start admitting to it - because the weight wont be mine for long! It will be slipping off me soon! *cross fingers*


Starting weight of current restricting: 200lbs

Current weight of present restricting: 161lbs

Total weight loss so far: 39lbs

(oooo! so close to 40lbs! lol)

Yes, i know - im not the svelte life-long ana that you probably hoped lead this site. Im a podgy life long mia thats on the road to ana. But i promise you that i will get there! Im not a 'fraud' for setting up a site like this then revealing im a heavier weight than probably thought - it is my wish that those with an ED who also find it hard to deal with their weight, whatever that may be, can find a haven here...and in turn not judge me too harshly either!

So, back to business! As you can tell by my happy-go-lucky slug above, weight loss is slow...ish. Lets begin with this weeks weigh in:



So, at least i lost but not as much of a significant amount as a wanted to. I suppose i should be grateful that i lost that much given that i binged my way through the entire of last week. Now, however im in a rather impatient and awkward mood - reasons?:

1) I'm 1lb off hitting my second short-term goal

2) I'm 2lbs off going down a BMI level to 'normal weight' (remember i started off as 'obese')

3) I'm 3lbs off being able to say i've now lost 3 whole stone

4) I'm 11lbs off hitting the halfway mark on my weight loss!

Its a bit of a bind! I just have to keep persevering and hit all the targets in one week i suppose! lol. well...maybe all but number 4, i'd be lucky to lose 11lbs in one week!

So, after all this chat i think its time to settle into my brief blog. Brief because of the fact i have work tomorrow and also because today has been deadly dull!

After only 3 and a half hours sleep i dragged myself out of bed at 9.30am to be awake for when my stepdad's brother-in-law came to do the handy work around our house. I was all out of joint from the moment i woke up then because my stomach started to get hungry earlier on than it usually does. Typical! First day solidly back under a pledge of strict regime and my stomachs on 'go' from the moment i open my eyes! oh well! no peace for the wicked! lol.

So i sat up, although desperate to go back to sleep, i stayed awake and chatted for the hour he was here. When he went, i got straight back into bed, despite it now being 11am, and went to sleep! I was so knackered and refused to put up with stomach pains longer than i had to. I mean, i cant wait to go to sleep tonight because no pains and that means less time thinking about food!

Anyways, i woke up at 3pm and, after a few bits around the house, made my way into town. I decided to bike it in this time, so at least i could get some exercise. My cold is just the dribbles now, and the only thing still a pain is my cough. Hopefully i will go back to doing classes tomorrow! whoppeee! I had made an appointment to talk to someone about my mum and stepdad's up-and-coming wedding. So i went to the hotel and chatted to them for a little while before walking straight past the local stores (and chocolate bars!) and cycled back home.

For the rest of the afternoon i did jobs around the house. I had a jelly pot when i got in, but apart from that and a piece of gum i had nothing else to eat. When my family got home, i cooked tea for my sister and I. I had a roasted pepper with vegetables. After tea i tidied up and we went upstairs. It sounds silly, but for a moment when i returned to the kitchen half an hour later i felt really heavy and disgusting from this pepper and its contents. So, despite feeling a little crazy, i began jumping, hopping and fast pacing whilst washing up. I wanted to do anything to burn a few of those extra cals i'd eaten.

Now im just exhausted and want to sleep. Tomorrow is work again and hopefully i wont be in a break situation. NOTE TO MYSELF: NO SNACKING! Eugh - i hate that place! Food shops are the worst to work in! lol.

Toodle Pip and im off up the apples and pears,

I'll see you all soon.

x Poppy x <3

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