I can't believe what a busy bee i've been over the last two days. It's as if some creul fate up there is messing with my life, deciding to give me social life when this is the time i most need to be focused on my work!
Enough moaning, and on to the blog. Today has been rather hectic - or it has if you've been in it. I woke at 7am and had a few hours to spare, so i tried to get some work done.
However, i had a packet of cookies in my drawer that i couldn't ignore. They were constantly pulling my stomach and i so wanted one. I thought to myself that enough was enough with making excuses. I put a label on them and left them in the kitchen for my housemates to eat. I hoped they would all be gone when i got back...
I cut an apple into pieces, and ate half for breakfast. Before i ate it, i weighed it out and calculated the cals exactly. I put the other half in a box for my lunch. I decided it would probably be best to have a piece of gum to chew on in class, to save myself from getting too hungry. Finally, the tape measure i'd ordered arrived! The one i was using was too short, and so now i can measure my WHR (weight/height ratio), and Body Fat. Altough there is a creul irony that on the same day, i got a letter from the mental health team about an appointment. damn.
I stepped outside in a thin top and thought 'bugger. im going to get wet!'. It was pouring down! I managed to wade myself to the bus stop and got the bus to uni. I sat in my seminar for two hours and managed to help a girl with her essay plan. When we finished, i went to the library to look over someone else's essay. I so wanted to eat something, but i HATE eating out in public. Therefore i didn't have anything for lunch. I counted it only as a good thing.
I had a lecture 3-4, then went to the library to talk over the essay with the girl. We chatted for a while, and she offered me polos. As much as i wanted to say no completely, i knew how rude it would look. I ended up having two, when she gave a whole lot, i said i'd save them till later and put them in the foil.
Finally, after getting drenched in the rain, i arrived back at the flat. I dumped my bags and went straight to the kitchen. I met one of my flatmates and we started chatting. Before i knew it, i'd been chatting for nearly an hour and a half. I came to my room for half an hour to phone my sister, before going back to the kitchen again to talk some more.
So, it happened that, as much as i could allow myself a bit more calories, i actually found i couldn't have them, because i was busy! I'm sorry to say, as much as i want to carry on chatting - im absolotely exhausted!
Breakfast: 1/2 apple (36kcal)
Lunch: Nothing
Tea: Nothing
Snack: 2 pieces of gum (10kcal), 2 polos (10kcal)
Drinks: 2 pepsi max (2kcal), no sugar fruit shoot (6kcal)
I'll be back on tomorrow. Please do comment, even if it's just to say 'great!'
Poppy XxX